Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 9.00 am - 7.00 pm, Sunday Closed


Quick Lime Lumps

Calcium oxide or quick lime is widely used versatile chemical compound made from excellent deposit of high calcium limestone. High calcium lime is used for acid neutralization, flux gas treatment, as flux in metallurgical industry, in sugar refining etc.

  • There are two grades of quick lime umps manufactured by us, one is 79-80 % CaO and second is 82-85% CaO.
  • Our lumps are handpicked so best quality is assured.


  • 100% Pure Substance
  • Handpicked Lime
  • Most competitive Prices

Available in Packing :

  • 15, 20,35, 40 Kg Laminated (once used) bags
  • 1T Jumbo bags (Once used)

Sizes :

  • 25 to 100 MM


Description Percentage
% of Available lime as CaO 85 + 2%
Acid Insoluble % 1.0
Magnesia as MgO (Max.)% 1-3%
Calcium carbonate (CaCo3) 1-3%
Loss on Ignition (LOI) 3.5 - 6.5%
Metal Oxides as Fe3O3&Al3O3 (Max.)% Below 1%
Colour White

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