Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 9.00 am - 7.00 pm, Sunday Closed


Quick Lime Powder

This product is also known as Calcium Oxide with chemical formula CaO. We offer our range of quick lime powder which is used widely in chemical industries and building construction like Fly ash bricks, AAC Concrete blocks, Construction works.


Type Available %
% of Available lime as CaO 85 + 1.5 %
Acid insolubles % 1.0 (Max.)
Magnesium as MgO % 2.5 (Max.)
Metal Oxides as Fe2O3&Al2O3 (Max.)% 0.50 (Max.)
Mesh size 200 Mesh
Reactivity Time 55oC 25 -30 minutes
State Powder form
Packing Laminated 40-50 Kg Bags 1 T Jambo Bag,

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